
Walk to Freedom

Some people dream of success, others make it happen. We all have read the above somewhere at some time. However, I'm sure most of us, including me, rarely ask the question of why will that be? How do you break through the barrier from a dream to make it happen? It is my opinion that people who only dream of success are fearful to take courageous action to make their dreams a reality. Someone said, “Courage is not an absence of fear, courage is fear walking”. The saying could be debated. Some will say you are either fearful or you are courageous. No in-between! Others will agree with “Courage is not an absence of fear but courage is fear walking”. My view on that is that you can use the above saying by reasoning that when you have fear and you want to move to courage, you surely start walking with fear and then walk through a barrier into courage, and once you through the barrier, fear change into courage. I think the ‘barrier’ is the fear of being vulnera

The Yin and Yang of the Mind

“The mind that lives in doubt can see limitations everywhere; the mind that lives in faith can see no limitations, and, in fact, knows that there are no limitations anywhere.” - Christian Larson From which platform are you making decisions from? From the platform of doubt or from a platform of Faith? To achieve and sustain Personal Freedom, we must dedicate ourselves to self-mastery. Embrace the habit of consistently evaluating and renewing your thought patterns and then choose Faith.


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To transform from a life of fear to a life of Freedom is an act of self-mastery. Easy? No, but very possible. Always remember: When one thinks and does the same things day after day, things will stay as it is. Thus, we need to change our habits (what we eat, drink, think and do) by start to change our thinking and apply the changes consistently until it becomes new habits. Instead of trying to make immediate and massive changes overnight it is recommended that one do the changes incrementally. Start with the easy ones: Write it down and use a daily checklist to make sure you don't fall back into old habits. Use your willpower to direct your thinking and apply action to your thinking. Focus on the now, don't dwell on the past, neither dream too much into the future. Do it Now! You are enough! Visit our Facebook page:

Live a Life of Freedom

Live a Life of Freedom The human species is on a quest for more freedom. Freedom in short means to be free from social- and self-oppression (fear). To have spiritual-,time-,financial-,creative-,emotional- and social freedom. Fear rips us from freedom: ·          *  Fear of criticism. ·          *  Fear of old age. ·         *   Fear of loss of love. ·          *  Fear of ill health. ·          *  Fear of death. ·          *  Fear of poverty. Therefore, fear needs to be eliminated. But how? He who is brave is free, said Seneca. ‘Face your fears’ is a term that all of us hear and say often, easier said than done. But it is possible because we are born with free will. Free to choose between Fear or Freedom. We live in fear because we are choosing to act from a position of fear rather than freedom. Interrupt your fear by choosing how to feel, interpret and direct your life. Dream and focus on freedom, change doubt into faith, delay into act

The Power of Now


Be Good To Others
